Help Save Happy Creek

A lot is going on regarding the destruction of the Happy Creek banks that you might be interested in.  If you are on Facebook you can go to the Save Happy Creek group for more information, to see photos, letters to the Royal Examiner, information and interesting tidbits.  Please join the site and increase the numbers.

Please share freely any or all of the information:

Call or Write

I know that this is a time of COVID and that many of us are not venturing out, especially in light of increasing numbers for Virginia and that is fine.  What can you do from home?  We need public outcry if there is any hope of amending the plan or preventing further damage to the Creek up or downstream.

Write or Call the Town Council and Mayor or send an opinion letter to Royal Examiner before Monday’s Town Council meeting.  You can do one letter and send to all of them at once.

Speak from the heart.  What bothers you about this?  See attachment below for ideas.  You can also ask for your letter to be read into the public record.   NOW is the time for action and for your voices to be heard.

Petition – the group is working on a petition and when that is ready I will reach out.


If you are up for going out….there will be a Demonstration on Front Street on Saturday at 2:00 pm.  I recommend Parking at the BB&T lot (the bank will be closed) and then walking over.  We will be following the Governor’s mandate; we will gather in groups of 25 people (clusters) separated by over 100 feet.  Masks or face shields required and socially distanced.  Press has been contacted.  Make a homemade sign on cardboard or whatever is handy.  Bring your kids or grandkids.  A great teaching opportunity.

Volunteers are needed to help with Crowd control and Traffic Control.  We need to keep people off the sidewalk and cars off of Front Street. Perhaps get signatures on a petition.  Please let me know if you are able to come out on Saturday.

Educate  — Friday at 8pm

Learn or Refresh your knowledge about Riparian buffer zone and best practices by tuning in to a Zoom webinar or watching live on Facebook.  Links are listed below.  This event is sponsored by Sustainability Matters and the Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley and includes guest speakers

Thanks to everyone for joining this effort to Save Happy Creek!