Ad Hoc Committees
Happy Creek Arboretum: This committee is actively involved in decisions about plantings and in maintaining the Arboretum specimens.
Work Sessions: The Tree Stewards hold 2 work sessions per month. The Chair of this committee coordinates with the Town of Front Royal to determine what trees need attention and to develop an overall plan on how the Tree Stewards can assist with the maintenance of the Town’s urban forest.
A representative from the Tree Stewards attends the Front Royal Beautification Committee meetings, working together to improve the community.
Standing Committees
Education Committee: The Education Committee is responsible for organizing the annual Tree Steward class in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Virginia Urban Forest Council Tree Steward Program. When possible, one (1) member of the committee is also an active Master Gardener. This committee also coordinates continuing educational opportunities for members.
Membership Committee: The Membership Committee is responsible for recruiting and retaining members.
Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee provides a slate of officers to be voted upon annually. It is also responsible for distributing and tabulating ballots.
Ways and Means Committee: The Ways and Means Committee is responsible for fundraising and grant development